Dragon™ MK8 is a thermite lance specifically designed to destroy thin skinned steel (up to 13mm) and plastic cased ordnance. This stand-off solution offers an effective method of destroying ordnance and specifically those that are classed as “no touch” items.
Product Leaflets
Our latest product leaflets and SOPs can be found here. If you would like MSDS please contact us.
Click on a leaflet or file for further details.
Leaflet: BHD8 | V1.0 | Jan 2019
BHD8 is a turnkey, self-contained deflagration system consisting of a deflagration sleeve, stand and initiator that can be used to neutralise landmines and other thin cased unexploded ordnance (4mm steel maximum). The integrated starter can be initiated using a 350v 6J exploder and when fired will lance through 4mm of mild steel in 1 second.
Leaflet: TSID | V3.0 | October 2020
Disarmco’s TSID blocks are designed to neutralise High Explosive (HE) filled munitions rapidly with reduced risk of detonation as a Low Order Technique. TSID minimises fragmentation, blast over- pressure and acoustic pollution by initiating rapid combustion of the munitions filling by deflagration through thermal shock.
Leaflet: TD – A | V2.0 | May 2018
Disarmco’s Thermal Destructor (TD-A) is a modified, high temperature Thermite mix specifically designed to rapidly burn through thin sheet metal casings and ignite High Explosive (HE) fillings or other energetic contents. By burning in fuze pockets, TD-A allows burning of munitions without the need to actively cut through casings to expose the explosive.
Leaflet: LTT | V2.0 | Aug 2021
Disarmco’s Low Temperature Thermite (LTT) has been developed for use in EOD and demilitarisation activities. LTT is slow burning and is designed to directly ignite explosive compositions with reduced risk of detonation. LTT is also a safe and simple product for igniting and disposing of propellant during EOD operations.
Leaflet: Hot Drop | V2.0 | May 2018
The Hot Drop system is astand-off method of melting a hole in an article of ordnance and burning the HE contents. The system consists of a crucible containing a charge of TD-A thermite, the crucible has a hole in the bottom covered in aluminum tape.
Leaflet: TIS | V2.0 | May 2018
The TIS is the recommended initiator for all Disarmco’s thermal products. DISARMCO offers Thermite Initiated Starter (TIS), as an uncomplicated, safe and cost effective, pre-assembled electric starter. TIS is not classified as an explosive therefore, it is easy to transport, handle and store.