Disarmco is pleased to announce to the Mine Action Community, the introduction of our unique application and process utilising Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). This will allow the identification of individual items of Explosive Ordnance (EO) in a far safer and more economic process. This pioneering new application has taken several years to develop. All elements have a distinct and unique NMR signature, as well as 7 resonant harmonic frequencies.
Disarmco technology is based on the fundamental principle that all physical objects possess unique properties of energy. In the Earth’s crust, all elements exist in an excited state, emitting intrinsic electromagnetic radiation with distinct amplitude, frequency, and phase. This radiation serves as a “fingerprint” for each element, allowing Disarmco to identify and locate specific materials with great accuracy.
Remote technical capabilities for survey purposes provide groundbreaking solutions for demining, making clearance easier, faster and more cost effective.
- Land Release
- Non-Technical Survey & Technical Survey
- Mine and Battle Area Clearance
- Quality Management
- Utilises satellite imagery and technology that can detect these frequencies emanating from the surface of the Earth.
- Uses a proprietary system of mathematical algorithms in the process of providing the final analysis.
- Provides graphic presentation of the location of the target element in the survey, which includes the spatial location of the target element, as well as the depth of the element through additional survey data processing.
- The NMR process has the capability to scan selected geographical locations and defined polygons to locate EO.
- Due to its unique approach, NMR’s method of physical observation can detect various frequencies emanating from the surface of the Earth.
- A proprietary algorithm system is applied to provide the final analysis and graphic presentation of the location of the target as well as spatial location which can include depth.
- Surveys completed remotely with no requirement to deploy assets on the ground.
- No export restrictions
- No platform requirements, utilises satellite technology.
- Disarmco provide a full survey report of the located targets
- Superior survey capabilities
- Evidence of value provided on field trials. Additional evaluation available as required
- Detection provides first stage of clearance process
- Advantage of reduced false alarm and speed of coverage
- Vegetation cover not a limiting factor
- Depth of target not an issue, including laterite & sandy roads
- No logistical challenges
- Survey of long APM and AVM belts as well as IED belts
- Survey and locate craters from previous detonations
- Can detect mixture of ammunition providing types of explosive fills are known
- Survey in low vegetation and partial swamp
- Survey conducted on flat terrain with little vegetation
- Survey can provide significant contaminated areas from conflict
- Survey can detect high and low metal content IEDs
Disarmco has successfully tested the NMR concept in Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, UK and USA.
When conducting the NMR scan, our NMR team is provided with the coordinates as received from the client.
In addition, the team is also given data on the explosive composition of the EO items expected and which are known to the region, within the coordinates. The area is then scanned to detect the presence of these items.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Evaluation
Disarmco has undertaken an evaluation of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) process to validate the method and capability of detecting and identifying explosive hazardous areas and recording any individual items of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). An area was seeded with various items of ERW in Afghanistan with the items as listed below. These included small anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines along with other items of ERW. The area was then scanned utilising the NMR process which involves searching for specific signatures. For this evaluation, signatures included various explosive fills along with case materials, including Bakelite, Plastic and various metals.
The NMR process confirmed the area did have a number of explosive hazards within its boundary and simultaneously recorded the location of the various ERW items. This data was then compared to the actual location of the buried items as provided by our partner in Afghanistan. The distances from the NMR data to the buried ERW items is recorded below. The location of the buried ERW items were not provided to Disarmco until after the NMR scan had been completed and analysed. The outcome of the survey and report are extremely positive, as the site was verified as a Confirmed Hazardous Area (CHA), and the ERW items that had been seeded, were located and identified.

Trial Reports:
These areas were seeded with various items of EO, and every test provided encouraging results, with distances from the reported targets between 0.5 metres to 4 metres, with no reported targets missed.
The photograph shows two 10 metre x 10 metre boxes, one containing a Chilean PM 1 Sub-munition and the other an 81 mm mortar. The yellow pins mark the location of the two buried items; the red dots indicate the location that was recorded following the NMR scan. In these instances the NMR scan identified the location of the PM1 and the 81 mm mortar, approximately 4 metres from their actual buried positions.

The photograph shows a 10 metre x 10 metre area that contained the following buried items: 2 x 82 mm mortars, a 105 mm HE projectile and a 155 mm HE projectile along with an IED pressure plate by scanning for a metal and HE signature. The red dot indicates the location that was recorded following the NMR scan. In this instance the NMR scan identified the location of the buried items within a distance of 20 – 35 inches (50 – 90 cm) from the items as indicated.

The photograph shows part of a minefield in which selected areas were scanned with the NMR process. The green dots are the unverified locations of the V69 mines, the yellow dots are the NMR recorded locations of these possible V69 mines following the NMR scan.
During the trials referenced in this document, at no stage were the coordinates of the buried items shared with Disarmco or the NMR team. This was completed by the client. Disarmco was not involved at any stage in the burying of these items. Verification can be provided from the client side, if required. Once received from the client, Disarmco only provided the NMR team with the coordinates of the areas to be surveyed, along with the range of items expected to be found in the area.
Disarmco believes that this process will support all aspects of Mine Action, whether it is a non-technical or technical survey, route verification, BAC, mine clearance, range clearance or a quality management tool. In all these areas, it will add an exciting new product to the toolbox.
To find out more contact us:
Website: www.disarmco.com
Email: info@disarmco.com
Phone: +44 (0) 203 713 9637